Work Permit (WP) Medical Check up
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) requires work permit applicants to undergo a medical examination. We are able to provide these checkups for your work permit applications. Our clinic can help to perform medical check ups on foreign workers and work permit (WP) holders at an affordable rate.
Work Permit Medical Check Up (New Application)
- Male $65
Clinical Examination & Certification, Urine Test, VDRL, HIV, Malaria Parasite, Chest X-Ray
- Female $70
Clinical Examination & Certification, Urine Test, Pregnancy Test (If Female), VDRL, HIV, Malaria Parasite, Chest X-Ray
- NIR Update $35
[Optional] Updating of COVID-19 vaccination record into MOH's National Immunization Records (NIR)
Work Permit Medical Check Up (Renewal)
6ME Medical Screenings for FDW / MDW / Maid
6-monthly health checks and pre-employment screenings for maids/helpers (foreign domestic workers) as mandated by Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
S Pass / Dependent Pass / Permanent Resident (PR) / Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) Medical Check Up
This is a medical examination suitable for applications for Employment, Dependent, LTV, Student and S Pass.
Pre-Employment Pass Medical Check Up
Pre-employment and re-engagement medical examinations help determine if the job is fit for an employee. Pre-employment medical examination packages are fully customisable to the employer’s requirements. These requirements can vary according to the employee’s age, proposed industry or nature of work. Common medical examination components include a Physical Examination, Chest X-Ray or a specific blood test specific to your organisation’s requirement.
- Male $65
Clinical Examination & Certification, height, weight, BMI, vision test, hearing test, HIV test, chest X-ray*, VDRL, malaria parasite, urine
- Female $70
Clinical Examination & Certification, height, weight, BMI, pregnancy test, vision test, hearing test, HIV test, chest X-ray*, VDRL, malaria parasite, urine
- NIR Update $35
[Optional] Updating of COVID-19 vaccination record into MOH's National Immunization Records (NIR)
- Package Customizable Available Enquire with us
- In-Principle Approval Form & Medical Form
- For Payment: Cash, NETS or PayNow.
20 to 40 minutes on average during off peak hours. You may also enquire about the best appointment time for the least waiting time.